
Final Days

2nd grade is history. Big E left her teacher and classmates for the last time today and I have to say it was an emotional day for both of us. She's been with the same group of kids and teacher through 1st and 2nd grade so we've all gotten more than a little attached. I just can't believe she's going to be in 3RD GRADE! HOW DID THIS HAPPEN? Someone remarked this afternoon during the traditional end-of-year Chicken Dance that she will probably be taller than me this time next year and they're probably right. That girl has got some crazy tall genes from Bubble boy because they certainly aren't from my side. We're basically a bunch of leprechauns and then there's Big E, who can almost kiss the top of my head when she's sitting on my lap. At least she's still sitting on my lap. Hopefully she won't outgrow THAT for a very long time.

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